BLISS is the first association of language companies in Brazil. BLISS’s goal is to establish and maintain a strong association, promote our industry both across the nation and worldwide, and strengthen our Brazilian market representation, increasing the number of member companies.
BLISS promotes, supports, and develops activities targeted at connecting the different language service players. It provides information about the latest language service support technology and works to promote our industry so national and multinational companies can reliably hire language services — translation, localization, interpretation, proofreading, and content creation — in Brazil.

Board and Council
The second Board of Directors is comprised of Paulo Guimarães (President), Célia Korn (Vice-President), Daniel Guio (Secretary), and Rafael Sousa (Treasurer).
The Council includes Andrea Gonçalves Pinto, Lilian Alves, Gisley Ferreira, Roberta Aquino, Ingrid Barbosa and Lúcia Vivacqua.
BLISS was founded in 2021 but conceived well before. The initial idea first appeared during a well-known international localization conference in 2018. Back then, a group of Brazilian translators met to exchange experiences about their industry and discuss specific hurdles they had faced in the Brazilian language service market. The lack of an association that united and strengthened companies and institutions in Brazil was brought to the table. In 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and all the uncertainties it entailed, eight companies decided to address one of their leading XXI-century challenges with one sole thought in mind: “We are stronger together; it‘s time for BLISS to go live!” Since then, their representatives have worked continuously to establish BLISS with roots as strong as those of a trumpet tree, relying on their expertise and know-how. And the trumpet tree flower was chosen to represent the association brand, reflecting their will to create sound partnerships with other organizations in the industry and see the language services market blossoming across the nation and worldwide.



Integrity, honesty, and transparency are the values that led the companies to unite as an association
The association will work alongside academia to develop curricula aligned with the latest market needs.
BLISS also intends to hold webinars and conferences to spread information, ideas, and good practices. Promoting the Brazilian language industry internationally by attending conferences and fairs is also part of the plans, not to mention partnerships with technology suppliers to provide its members with access to the latest work technology and methodology.